InReboot: Better Humans Make Better Leaders & Better Leaders Create Humane Workplaces.byJim MarsdenChoosing Your Side of Life’s Street: The Inner Compass of Leadership in Trying Times, Part 1An Active Reorientation ApproachSep 1, 2023Sep 1, 2023
Admiral CloudbergCruelty of Chance: The Cerritos mid-air collision and the crash of Aeroméxico flight 498The story of a disaster that scarred a Los Angeles suburb and changes American airspace forever.Aug 26, 202317Aug 26, 202317
Admiral CloudbergAntonov’s Curse: The crash of Sepahan Airlines flight 5915 and the story of the An-140The tale of a truly unfortunate aircraft and one of its deadliest crashes.Aug 19, 20234Aug 19, 20234
Admiral CloudbergThe Dead Man’s Gambit: The crash of Ethiopian Airlines flight 961The complete story of the most infamous African hijacking, retold from beginning to end.Sep 9, 202322Sep 9, 202322
Admiral CloudbergTempest over Texas: The crash of Braniff International Airways flight 352The catastrophic breakup of a Lockheed Electra in a Texas thunderstorm provides a case study in how not to fly near severe weather.Sep 2, 20239Sep 2, 20239
Steve BlankBefore there was Oppenheimer there was Vannevar BushI just saw the movie Oppenheimer. A wonderful movie on multiple levels.Sep 6, 20238Sep 6, 20238
InCleared for TakeoffbyFAA Safety Briefing MagazineSupply and DPE DemandHow Preparation Can Aid Checkride Success and Maximize Designated Pilot Examiner AvailabilitySep 6, 2023Sep 6, 2023
InReboot: Better Humans Make Better Leaders & Better Leaders Create Humane Workplaces.byJim MarsdenChoosing Your Side of Life’s Street: The Inner Compass of Leadership in Trying Times, Part 2An Active Reorientation ApproachSep 11, 2023Sep 11, 2023